Wardrobe Challenges!!

I have been thinking it would be kind of fun to do some Wardrobe related challenges. The idea is pretty simple. Every so often I will issue a challenge via my blog and a notice in group and those that want to participate will have 24 hours to complete the challenge and send me a public shared link to their challenge entry. Challenges might be to upload 5 brand new items, create a new outfit of a particular type, or even just a simple tag challenge. Who knows what kind of crazy i might come up with.

Participation of course is totally optional, and the award for completing the challenge is nothing more than having the link to your items shared on the blog. The primary inspiration for this challenge comes from the group Samira put together on Flickr (and I help her moderate) called the SL Photo Challenge where each month she puts up a new challenge for all of use would be SL photogs. You can check out the photo challenge on Flickr here – https://www.flickr.com/groups/slphoto_challenge/.

Let’s start this off with something super simple, and since this is the first time I will provide some instructions here.

Today’s Challenge – Create a Casual Summer Time Outfit

1. Create a new item in wardrobe to meet the challenge. Feel free to write a bit about your entry into the remarks if relevant.
2. Search for the item by name so it is the only item showing.
3. Click Tools | Create Link from the Wardrobe webpage.
4. Give your link a name – something like Casual Summer Outfit Challenge
5. Optional: Set the link to expire if you want (give it a couple weeks if you can for people to see your submission)
6. Click Allow Viewing Items and Show item tags, date, remarks under Permissions
7. Click Allow only the currently visible items to be viewed under Items.
8. Click OK
9. Right click and Copy the link to your shared page.
10. Send me a notecard with the name of the challenge, your preferred name and the link to your challenge entry.

As an example, here is mine for this challenge.

Challenge Participants


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