Welcome to Wardrobe!

One of the struggles we in the Wardrobe group always face is helping people over that initial step to getting started. Wardrobe for many of us is second nature, and we know it isn’t difficult, but like many things has a pretty steep learning curve to those just purchasing the tool. To help those starting out I present a brand new series of videos called Welcome to Wardrobe. This series is intended to walk new users through the process of working with wardrobe from the unboxing through adding items and beyond.

First in a series of videos intended to get you started quickly with the CTS Wardrobe product. In this video we open up the CTS Wardrobe package, add the HUD to our Avatar and rez out the included CTS Wardrobe pose stand.
Buy Wardrobe on Marketplace – https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CTS-Wardrobe-Organize-your-outfits-with-style-A-visual-inventory-organizer/935078
Buy Wardrobe in Second Life – http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fashion%20Boulevard%20II/132/176/22

Part two of my getting started series covers enabling RLV in your viewer and adding the #RLV folder to your inventory. I demonstrate the steps in the Catznip Viewer in the video. If you use Firestorm you will need to follow the instructions below.
RLV in Firestorm – http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_rlva_quick_setup
In this video we take a first peek at the Wardrobe web page. Looking at getting connected for the first time, talk a bit about security and then review the different areas of the wardrobe web page itself. 
Creating Shared Links – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaxTr7U_DuI&feature=youtu.be
In this video we take what we have learned and create our first entry in Wardrobe. Using an included picture from the vendor we add the hair I am wearing into our Wardrobe, give it a basic set of tags and a few extra details.
In this video we expand on the hair entry we added to Wardrobe in episode 4. We wear and unwear the hair and create some sub-folders to help us better control our ability to do so.
In this video we look at how to remove one single part of an item, and we upload our 2nd item to Wardrobe using a slightly different method to get the photo and entry into our Wardrobe.
In this video we upload two more items by taking a picture and both saving one to our local computer and then using e-mail to upload an image as well.

2 thoughts on “Welcome to Wardrobe!

  1. Patricia Adams

    Thank you so much for this series! I was having so much trouble getting started and these videos have really simplified the process in a way for a complete noob to understand.


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