Attachment Points

Left Shoulder: Shirts, Tops, Dresses, Body/Cat Suit, Jumper, Jacket (anything which is worn alone on top)

Right Shoulder: Jacket (over), Shrugs, Bras, pasties (anything additionally worn on top)

Left Hip: Pants, Shorts, Skirts (anything worn as bottoms)

Right Hip: Panties, Suspenders, and Garters (anything additionally worn on the bottom)

Left Lower Leg: Shoes

Right Lower Leg: Socks, Stockings

Chin: Mesh Heads

Skull: Hair

Avatar Center: Mesh Bodies

Forearm: Mesh Hands

Right Foot: Mesh Feet

Do not change the attachment points or make replace on gloves, jewelry, masks, bags, wearables (mouthies, held drinks, etc) and other accessories.