How would you like to help me create a set of digital assets for use on this blog and use across Second Life and the internet? Are you a graphic artist interested in taking on a commission? I am not very skilled at creating original artwork or at graphic design so would love to find […]
Learning to Wardrobe – Kitten Style
The Wardrobe community is filled with people who use the product to great use each day. I am not sure if you could find a more well rounded and helpful community in Second Life if you tried. Purrs Like a Kitten (Lilith.Lupino) is one of the Wardrobe support staff members, and the author of the […]
Watch Me Wardrobe Live Episode #3
Thanks to those who were able to join the stream Live!On the stream today we took a quick walk through a coupe of CTS Wardrobe questions around sharing links and using sub-folders. Then we dive into a bit of a haul video showing off some new items from this months Collabor88 and AnyBody events.
Quick Tips: Storing Extra Inventory in a Prim
Ever wanted to clean out some of your inventory, without having to delete items? One option is to store your items in a prim. In this video I show the basics of how to do this. Two things I should have mentioned in the video. 1. Don’t try to drag more than 5 or 10 […]
SL Tech: Overview of Terraforming & Landscaping
I love working on landscapes in Second Life. It is calming and relaxing and makes the areas around me look so nice. But the terraforming tools are often a bit overwhelming to people at first. In this video I walk through some of the ways you can terraform and some things to keep in mind. […]
SL Tech: Intro to the Catznip Viewer
Today’s video is a first, quick look at the Catznip viewer and a general discussion on viewers and viewer selection in Second Life. Catznip is my preferred viewer in Second Life. I think it provides the nicest set of tools for managing your inventory and the items you are wearing. A new version of Catznip […]
Quick Tips: Listing Gachas On Marketplace
Have a lot of left over gacha items? Want to try to resell them on Marketplace? This is my process for getting the items listed. I am by no means an expert at this, but wanted to record it quick so people can at least get started. Did I miss anything? Let me know in […]
The Coolest of Beans
Follow the path A few years back my entire Second Life revolved around Cool Beans. Cool Beans started as a very small and oddly made coffee shop on the Effington Woods sim. It grew over time to be the name of my estate, the name of my gacha yard sale and more. I lived and […]
Watch Me Wardrobe Live Episode #2
We had a great time doing the live stream the other day! We focused on a pretty pure wardrobe episode this time sorting and filing three items into wardrobe. Had lots of fantastic questions and got some discussions going. I am going to try and do one live stream a week on a variety of […]
Wardrobe Weekly vol 15
Welcome to Wardrobe Weekly for the week of April 9 2017. Wardrobe Weekly is a recurring, weekly post covering some of the things I think are most important and interesting in the upcoming week. This is the first post in the series, even though it is labeled vol 15. The posts each week will be […]